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Other Support


We will seek and identify suitable opportunities for your company, including private or public funding schemes, startup competitions, entrepreneurship conferences, etc.

If applicable, we will further provide liaison and administrative support to match those opportunities for your team.

Registration Eligibility

Your team must be of the CUHK entrepreneur community, including but not limited to companies under funding support of TSSSU, TSSSU+ or any other supporting scheme offered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, CUHK. Startups with at least 15% stake owned by CUHK alumni are also welcomed.

Startup Support Criteria

Startup Supporting decisions are made based on a combination of factors, including but not limited to the following:

Innovativeness of the technology;

Assessment of business model, including business viability, revenue model, go-to-market strategy, compliance, and financial position and;

The capability of the founding team;

Environmental, social and governance factors and/or impact on the community.

For further enquiry, please email CUHK Innovation Limited at [email protected].

Important Notes

By uploading your company's information (including but not limited to the company logo, contact information, business description, etc.), you are giving consent to allow CUHK Innovation Limited to use the information in seeking opportunities for your company in compliance with Hong Kong law. We will not use your company’s information for purposes outside of identifying and seeking opportunities for your company. If, for any reason, you need to change the information submitted or would like CUHK Innovation to take the information down, CUHK Innovation will make its best effort to comply with such requests within a reasonable time. Please note that while CUHK Innovation Limited will provide guidance and support throughout the application process, securing funding is not guaranteed. We encourage thorough preparation and alignment with funding criteria to enhance your chances of success.